Spanish Teachers

My name is Danitza Del Álamo

Name: Danitza Del Alamo
Education: Bachelor’s in Accounting
Certifications: TSSL (Teaching Spanish as a Second Language)
Teaching Experience: 15+ years of classroom and online
Nationality: Peruvian
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English
Current Location: Perú
Interest: History, geography, human rights, travel, animals, education, and psychology

Book a FREE trial lesson with Danitza

My name is Fernanda Aroche.
Name: Fernanda Aroche
Education: Bachelor's in Teaching
Certifications: Spanish Teacher as a Foreing Languge -Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Teaching Experience: 15 years
Nationality: Guatemalan
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English
Current Location: Antigua, Guatemala
Interest: Nature, walking, family & Bible

Book a FREE trial lesson with Fernanda

My name is Roxana Gallegos
Name: Roxana Gallegos
Education: Dentist, masters in Higher education
Teaching Experience: 10 years teaching Spanish, Health topics
Nationality: Peruvian
Languages Spoken: Spanish, Basic English
Current Location: Lima, Perú
Interest: Vegetarianism, meditation, hiking, animals

Quechua Lessons


My name is Valentín Quispe
Name: Valentín Quispe
Education: Official tour guide – Quechua teacher.
Certifications: (AMLQ - Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua ) for quechua teacher.
(KHIPHU – Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico Privado) for tour guide.
Teaching Experience: 20+ years
Nationality: Peruvian
Languages Spoken: Quechua, Spanish, English
Current Location: Cusco, Perú
Interest:Antropology, History, Education and Leadership.

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